Posted by Mikey Rodge on June 04 2015
We sat down with Stone Soul to talk about his past, his present, and his future with the Lords of Funktown.
First off, tell me how you got started making music.
I've been playing music all my life starting when I was in 4th grade and first picked up the Baritone Horn. Over the years I was involved in various alternative rock projects until I eventually decided it was easiest to make music on my own. That's definitely would inevitably lead me to production and I've been doing that for 4-5 years now.
What inspired you to venture into electronic music?
Well I actually first started dipping into electronic music long before I began making it, listening to producers like Eric Prydz. My production however is very much influenced by guys like Pretty Lights, Gramatik, The Floozies, etc.
Could you tell me a little about how the Stone Soul project began ?
Absolutely. This project began a few years ago. For the first 3 months I didn't even make any music. I spent 6-8 hours a day, 5 or 6 days a week just loading vinyl samples into my computer and absorbing as much as I could about different genres and decades of music. From that point on I had and still have a very solid sample base to dip into to explore my sound.
Did you know you wanted to incorporate the Baritone horn when you first started or did that come later?
I actually didn't start incorporating the horn until last fall. I was pretty unsatisfied with the lack of live aspect that came with my performances. The baritone horn is something I began playing when I was 9 and still have a passion for so it made sense. It also provides a pretty unique experience to my fans as I bet you can't find another electro-funk producer rocking one of those live!
Speaking of the live aspect, you recently debuted a full live backing band. Tell me about it.
So to preface the live band, when I began this project about 3 years ago I knew from the start that I inevitably wanted to play solely with a full band. Every track of I produced is done with that mindset and as of now that is still my plan going forward. Stone Soul & The Lords of Funktown debuted in Brooklyn on May 8th, for the first time and it was a pretty incredible experience. The band has been busting their butt for months prepping for that night and can't show them enough love and appreciation for it cause it definitely showed. It was a pretty amazing experience to hear the music I hold closest to my heart played in almost full instrumentation by some of the most talented musicians I have had the pleasure of working with. All and all it definitely lived up to the way I envisioned it 3+ years ago.
Your latest EP 'Bicycle Day' was released last week. How do you think this compares with your previous work?
My previous release, "The Funktastic Voyage," was a real stepping stone in my musical growth. I think on Bicycle Day I really solidify the Stone Soul sound. but before then I dipped a lot more into soul and some darker tunes. On this new release, I tried to keep everything upbeat. fun, and super old-school. I tend to lose interest in my own music very quickly which is why you will never hear a repeat Stone Soul performance but this new EP has been done for a while and I still can't get enough of it. Being able to bring in a couple of features in Vokab Kompany and WillDaBeast on this album was pretty cool too. They definitely helped add a whole new aspect to the tracks they featured on in a way I wouldn't have been able to on my own.
What are any upcoming plans for Stone Soul?
I'll be taking it a little lighter touring wise until this fall and will really only be playing festivals and one off shows here and there. I'm heading to NY for a while late this July to begin recording an album with Stone Soul & The Lords of Funktown which I am incredibly excited for it. This album will really bring things full circle for me because for the first time I'll be able to write music with the band instead of for it. Look out for this new album mid/late fall of this year and a bunch of dates with the full band this fall. Its definitely a unique experience for electronic and jam funk fans and we're incredibly excited to take it on the road!
Tags: stone soul, artist spotlight, music, interview, get to know
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