Posted by All Good Staff on June 11 2015
TweetIt's been a long time coming but our good friend Tucker Gumber aka The Festival Guy has finally launched his App FestEvo!
Tucker has been traveling the country and attending music festivals far and wide, with the sole intent of improving the concert-goers experience.
From better understanding an upcoming festivals artist line up, to what you can do to keep your festival experience as eco-friendly as possible... FestEvo has you covered!
In an effort to raise some awareness for FestEvo, we're joining Tucker's ThunderClap campaign. Help support and show this fam member some well deserved love: #SLSL
Watch the FestEvo promo video and find out more info below:
Your Socal Hub:
Instead of spending hours searching the internet for your favorite artist’s or festival’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and website, FestEvo puts it all in the palm of your hand. Every artist and festival will have their own profile page which will have all of their social accounts available to you at the click of a button. That’s right – no more downloading 10 individual apps for each festival.
Your Verifier:
Thinking about purchasing that ticket or taking that ride-share from a stranger on Craigslist? Sometimes it’s safe, but sometimes it’s not. When you use the FestEvo ticket exchange and ride share boards, you are able to see the other party’s profile page which should include their social media profiles and any other FestEvo friends you both have in common. This will help you make a more informed decision about your transactions and interactions.
Your Connector:
So, you have a ton of awesome friends. But it’s hard to know which of them are interested in or committed to going to the same festivals as you. Not anymore. FestEvo will show you which of your friends are going (or want to go) to each festival and which of your friends’ friends are going. Thanks to FestEvo, you’ll always have a group of friends to share the experience with!
Your Camp:
Once you’ve decided who you’re going to the next festival with, make it official by creating a FestEvo Camp, naming it, and adding your crew. Suddenly, you have a place for everyone to interact with each other and coordinate plans before the festival! When you give your group of friends a name, you become more than friends – you become a Festival Family!
Your Jukebox:
The days of scouring the internet to listen to artists’ music and learn about a festival lineup are over. FestEvo has SoundCloud and Spotify integration. Now you can view a lineup, click on an artist, and instantly listen to your favorite music.
Your Sounding Board:
The festival is over. Maybe you had the best time of your life. Or maybe you spent hours on end waiting in line for the bathrooms. Whatever your experience, FestEvo is your platform to review the festival so we can determine which fests are providing the best experience for attendees, which ones need work, and what can be done to improve the overall experience.
Every festival goer, artist, and festival will have their own profile, where we can easily communicate with each other to prepare for each festival. Select all the festivals you’ve attended over the years to share your festival history. Visit artist pages to see their festival season schedule and listen to their music through Spotify and Soundcloud. Visit festival pages to learn everything you need to know to prepare for the festival. Create a camp page with your friends to you can organize your camping plans together.
Tags: festevo, festival, concert, fans, love
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