Taking it back to the blockbuster days, thanks to the soulful force of Exmag colliding
with the hard-hitting, brass maniac Russ Liquid, we have been blessed with a score
known properly as The Tillamook Sessions. The two track are given the titles
"VHS" and "VCR," which delivers synths, sassy brass and finger lickin' guitar riffs that'll bring you to your knees, and plenty more for one to entail on this treasure tale.
"VHS" walks in with a groovy bass line that creeps into a multiverse melody through
a low-key guitar lead from Eric Mendelson, and really sets the tone for what's to
come. In the other ear, lots of love was brought by Russ Liquid with his delicious
taste of fluttery white noise from out this world and keyboard skills that leave you
dangling for more. It's obvious this is a collab that can really bring it on both ends
and back to make you feel like quite the trans dimensional space goat.
Next up... "VCR" we experience the much deeper, grittier journey towards the true gold of The Tillamook Sessions. Surfing through the mixture of sensual strings, astral synths, and static riddled beats cruisin' in the back. Slowed down into a jazzy organ melody followed a melting saxophone solo by Russ.