Posted by Christian Randell on April 23 2015
TweetCover photo by Phil Clarklin.
Carson Creek Ranch was home to the second annual Euphoria Music and Camping Festival in Austin, TX last weekend. With a tastefully curated lineup had something for everyone to love from hometown legends Ghostland Observatory making a reunion appearance, to bass blasting performances from Adventure Club, Grandtheft, as well as the back to back monster of RL Grime & G Jones on Sunday. All Good's Manic Focus & The Geek x VRV were present as well tons of other homies that round out the usual suspects.
The SunSquabi train was also in full effect when they rocked the riverside Dragonfly Amphitheater on Friday.
The funk presence was heavy at the mainstage with Manic Focus, Break Science, Pretty Lights and Big Gigantic all throwing down incredible sets. Blunt Force took the Dragonfly Amphitheater for an absolute ride and it was really refreshing to see local Austin staples like Jesse Brede get a chance to get the vibes going right early in the day.
We ran into a couple of our favorite artists wandering around the campgrounds and got their thoughts on EMCF and checked on on what they got coming up:
Its like electro soul heaven if you're into funky electronic music. You got stuff for jam band fans and straight up "EDM" fans but if you like soulful/electronic/hip-hop influenced stuff, you find something every single minute here.
If I wasn't booked by this festival, I'd probably just be here anyway… Late Night Radio live and Thievery Corporation... it's just such a dope lineup!
Vibe Street
We had a chance to get up close and personal for Freddy Todd's set at the Unearth Tent where he could be found either standing on the table rocking keytar solos, frantically mixing the glitchiest brands of bass or jamming on his newest addition to his live show: a Moog analog synth; the kind "with character that needs 10 minutes to warm up before his set kicks off."
The mainstage was house to Break Science who we got a chance to speak with about their experience at Euphoria and their surprise jam session with Big Gigantic.
We really wanted to just come out here and give people the full Break Science experience and I feel like we were able to do that. We work our asses off on putting together a full performance for the crowd and they seemed to be really feeling what we were puttin out. We're actually about to go out back out and play with Dom and Jeremy from Big Gigantic!
Break Science
The vibe at Carson Creek Ranch was perfect and may be in the running for one of the most well run events top to bottom that I've had the chance to go to.
From friendly staff to clean grounds, manageable walking distances between stages, interactive art installations right down to the awesome people that attended, Euphoria Music Festival stands as a shining example of what happens when good people and good music descend on one location.
Checkout more photos from Euphoria on their Facebook.
Photos by: Live Edit Labs, Phil Clarklin, Jeremy Scott, & Jaimie Seed.
Tags: Euphoria Music Festival, Manic Focus, Geek x VRV, Pretty Lights, Break Science, Vibe Street, Thomas Jack, Austin,
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